We were called together to represent "Paulinho", Paul the Octopus successor for Brasil 2014 World Cup and the new image for Clarín Mision Mundial. The campaign´s creative concept and art direction was in charge of Kepel & Mata. In Yenko we were in charge of the whole realization, which included the illustration of the character and it´s integration with the scene by digital retouch and 3D. Both illustrations were done during a week.
Nos convocaron para representar a Paulinho, el sucesor del Pulpo Paul del Mundial de Brasil 2014, la imagen de Clarín Misión Mundial. La creatividad y dirección de arte de la campaña fué de Kepel & Mata. En Yenko nos encargamos de la realización total del aviso que incluyo ilustrar al pulpo e integrarlo en las escenas, con retoque fotográfico y 3D. Ambas ilustraciones se resolvieron en una semana de producción.
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